Carson Pass Area Campground Map

Silver Lake, Carson Pass, CA
Silver Lake, Carson Pass, CA

Carson Pass Area Campground Map

Carson Pass Campground Map Kit Carson Campground Woods Lake Campground Grover Hot Springs State Park Campground Upper Blue Lake Campground Hope Valley Campground Turtle Rock Park Campground Silver Lake East Campground Indian Creek Campground Crystal Springs Campground Silver Lake West Campground Kirkwood Lake Campground Lower Blue Lake Campground Caples Lake Campground Middle Creek Campground Upper Blue Lake Damsite Campground Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park Campground Bear River Group Campground Pardoes Point Campground Sugar Pine Point Campground Bear River Lake Resort Campground PiPi Campground South Shore Campground
Carson Pass Campground Map Indian Creek Campground Crystal Springs Campground Kit Carson Campground Hope Valley Campground Caples Lake Campground Kirkwood Lake Campground Silver Lake East Campground Silver Lake West Campground Grover Hot Springs State Park Campground Woods Lake Campground PiPi Campground Turtle Rock Park Campground Bear River Lake Resort Campground Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park Campground Sugar Pine Point Campground Pardoes Point Campground Bear River Group Campground South Shore Campground Lower Blue Lake Campground Middle Creek Campground Upper Blue Lake Damsite Campground Upper Blue Lake Campground
Carson Pass Campground Map Woods Lake Campground Caples Lake Campground Kirkwood Lake Campground Silver Lake East Campground Silver Lake West Campground PiPi Campground Bear River Lake Resort Campground Sugar Pine Point Campground Pardoes Point Campground Bear River Group Campground South Shore Campground Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park Campground Kit Carson Campground Crystal Springs Campground Indian Creek Campground Turtle Rock Park Campground Hope Valley Campground Grover Hot Springs State Park Campground Upper Blue Lake Campground Upper Blue Lake Damsite Campground Middle Creek Campground Lower Blue Lake Campground

Selection of the Best Campgrounds is based on a combination of campground facilities, campground ambiance, and the proximity of outstanding recreational opportunities. The ratings are intended to serve as a general guide and may not always concur with the interests and experiences of others.

Carson Pass Area Campgrounds

Campgrounds along Highway 88 over Carson Pass spread from PiPi Campground on the Cosumnes River over the pass to Grover Hot Springs State Park. Among the most popular campgrounds are those Silver Lake and around Blue Lakes. During seasons of heavy snow it is often June before the road to Blue Lakes is plowed.

Group Camps are found at Bear River Group Campground, Bear River Lake Resort, and Indian Creek Campground.

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